Friday, November 7, 2008

Editing in Multiply

EDITING THE CSS THEME (Cascading Style Sheet)

Sometimes we are bored with the themes which are offered by the multiply webmaster. We need something new, to refresh our website. Well actually we can change our theme with the CSS themes which were offered by the
1. We should find the theme at Click the theme that you want, and then scroll down, and you’ll find code box just like this:
2. Copy the code, then you go to your multiply page. Click customizes my site, scroll up and you’ll find option just like this:
3. Click the custom CSS and the pasting code area will appear. Paste the code that we’ve copied before at the certain area, then click save.
4. The CSS theme will be automatically applied. So now you can enjoy all multiply based CSS theme that you’ve found in

Want to post video in multiply??? But confused??? Let’s do it…
1. Find the video that you want in, don’t forget to copy the URL address
2. Click post and choose the video option
3. Just choose the option “Import Videos’ and click the brand
4. Paste the video’s URL address at the certain area, then click OK
5. Video will be uploaded for about 15 minutes (using speedy), after all, you’ll have to fill the video description, just fill it as well, and click save and publish.
The positive of multiply is the visitors may watch video in your blog without signing in first.

Having taken the pictures of yourself or views and confused where to upload it?? You can do it at as well, but also offers you to upload your photographs there. Let’s do it….
1. Click post and choose the photos
2. Choose photos, by browsing and clicking
3. Click Upload, then wait for the uploading process
4. You’ll have to fill the description, and do it as well
5. Click save and publish
6. Your photo will directly uploaded

If you have an account in, you can post your photos from flickr to your, here’s the way ….
a. Click post and choose the photos
b. Click ‘import photos’ click the brand
c. Then click import flickr photos
d. The web will bring you to the signing in
e. After you’ve signed in, click “OK I’LL ALLOW IT” to make sure that you want to upload your photos
f. Click OK
g. Automatically they have been uploaded. But you’ve gotta edit it, due to you haven’t made the photo stream before, you can click edit. Fill the description as well, and then click save and publish
h. Your photos will be directly uploaded

Want to post music (mp3, m4a, wma, wav, aac, ogg, aif or au) in multiply??? But confused??? Let’s do it…
1. You’d better upload it from your PC
2. Click post, then choose music
3. Browse the music as usual, remember more files means more times to upload
4. Click upload

If you want to post the link to another web, do these steps:
1. Click post, choose link
2. Write down the URL address of the web, then click OK
3. You’ve gotta edit the description and just do as well
4. Click save and publish
5. The link will directly uploaded

If you want to post the link handwriting you’ve made, do these steps:
1. Click post, choose blog
2. Write down the title, and then write the article down. It’d be better if you had written it at your Microsoft Word, so you just have to copy and paste it. Coz it’s gonna waste more money to keep writing while the internet is connected
3. Click save and publish
4. You can read your article at ‘my site’

As a movie/music lover, you must have your fave singers music, single, mp3s, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, or whatever… Multiply offer you to upload your review there.
The steps are:
1. Click post, choose review
2. Make the category selection, it can be music or books or restaurants
3. After that give your rating (from 1 up to 5)
4. Write down the review, for example why you like it, or love it
5. As you choose book as the category, it’ll show the different description, so please make sure what kind of stuff it is.
6. After that you just have to click save and publish
7. it’ll be automatically uploaded

Having a certain occasion or holding a party?? You can upload it at
Do these steps:
1. Click post, event
2. Write down the description
3. Click save and publish

Going somewhere and have no chance to tell your friend? Just write a personal message.
1. Click post, PM
2. Write down the contact name
3. Write the message! This is just like an e-mail
4. Send it

As a multiply client, you can make your own contact by adding your friends which have the multiply account just like you. To do so, do the following steps:
1. Click invite
2. You can choose the contact from e-mail, or whatever
3. For example from the multiply id, write down your friend’s multiply id
4. Select the relationship, and write a short message to indicate that you invite her
5. Click Invite, and you just have to wait for your friend’s response

As a group a girls who like to gossip someone, you can make your own group, such as “Gossip Girls Group” do these steps:
1. Click group (well actually you can find another already created group from the multiply), but to make your own group click create my own group
2. Fill the description, do as well
3. Then click OK, you’ll have your own group, and your friends and you can be that group members.
Created by : Fadel XII IPA1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maaf bu,, coment di shoutmix,, kurang banyak karakternya,,.
Jadi gini, saya mw ngkritik salah satu guru sma 1 tegal,, tp kalo lewat website sma 1,, kayaknya ga pernah diurus.. Kritiknya :

sma 1 guru-gurunya perlu ditinjau lg,, ada gru yg dlm kata lain "ga ngajar". masa tiap masuk kelas,, nyuruh murid"nya buat baca buku sendiri. trus kalo ada plajaran kelas 2 ato kelas 1 (sy kelas 3), gru itu ga mw nerangin,, alasannya :"kan di kelas 1 n 2 dah diterangin, masa saya nerangin lg,, baca sendiri".
Gimana tuh?? masa guru kaya gitu,, jgn-jgn gru itu bukannya ga mw nerangin, tp emang ga bs nerangin pelajaran kelas 1 n kelas 2,, dlm kata lain, ga menguasai materi,, pdhl kan itu guru kelas 3,,, gimana nih tanggung jawabnya??? saya sekolah udah bayar mahal,, kok pengajarnya kaya gitu!!!!!!!!!!!

Tolong sampaikan ke pihak sekolah