To Create Poll in Blogger
If you want to add a poll in your blog in sidebar, you can open the sites (choose one of them):
For example :
To create a poll through :
- Open the site :
- Click on Sign Up
- Type on the box : username, password, re-type password, country
email, name, birthday, gender, security code, then click on Sign Up
- On the next wizard, click on go and add some. You can choose the type
of poll :
1. create full custom poll
2. create flash poll
3. create hot or not
4. create my space
for example, you choose on create full custom poll
- Type the question on the poll question, then type the answer (no 1 - 5)
- Click on the next step
- On Create Poll, type : vote control (IP Address), repeat vote (default 24
hours), description (for example : Poll Pembelajaran Blog), url then
click on the next step
- On the third step, choose poll type : presntation type, color scheme.
- to get the code click on generate html
- Copy the code above and below (to know the result of poll)
- Then open your blog, click on "page elements', click on "Add a Gadget",
on the "Basic", click ob "HTML/Java Script", paste the
code in "content", then "Save".
To Create a Slideshow in Blogger, like in this blog
- Open the site :
- Click on “sign up” to register
- On “upload your image, click browse, choose image will be uploaded
- before “save”. Look on the “preset design” choose the design (such as hallowen, glitter, drive in)
- On “customize your design” you can set the style, skin, themes, music/video, background, effect or size
- If you finish in setting your slideshow, then click “save and get code”
- Copy the code of slideshow
- (if necessary, you can edit, click on ”Edit this slide show”. Don’t forget to “save”
- Then open your blog, click on "page elements', click on "Add a Gadget",on the "Basic",
click on "HTML/Java Script", paste thecode in "content", then "Save".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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maaf bu,, coment di shoutmix,, kurang banyak karakternya,,.
Jadi gini, saya mw ngkritik salah satu guru sma 1 tegal,, tp kalo lewat website sma 1,, kayaknya ga pernah diurus.. Kritiknya :
sma 1 guru-gurunya perlu ditinjau lg,, ada gru yg dlm kata lain "ga ngajar". masa tiap masuk kelas,, nyuruh murid"nya buat baca buku sendiri. trus kalo ada plajaran kelas 2 ato kelas 1 (sy kelas 3), gru itu ga mw nerangin,, alasannya :"kan di kelas 1 n 2 dah diterangin, masa saya nerangin lg,, baca sendiri".
Gimana tuh?? masa guru kaya gitu,, jgn-jgn gru itu bukannya ga mw nerangin, tp emang ga bs nerangin pelajaran kelas 1 n kelas 2,, dlm kata lain, ga menguasai materi,, pdhl kan itu guru kelas 3,,, gimana nih tanggung jawabnya??? saya sekolah udah bayar mahal,, kok pengajarnya kaya gitu!!!!!!!!!!!
Tolong sampaikan ke pihak sekolah
blognya bagus bu. dan bahasa inggris. salam kenal. saya m. budi mulyawan, murid ibu (duluuuu banget) heuheuheu... :)
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